Kings Dam Project

Developing key life skills with the use of natural resources and the environment.

For more information contact the team on:

Who We Are

An AlternativeEducation Provision on the Norfolk and Suffolk border

The Kings Dam Project is an alternative education provision that is tailored to the individual’s needs, working in a natural environment, outdoors, in a forest schools type setting. Developing key life skills with the use of natural resources and the environment. 

We offer workshop based activities such as carpentry and restoration projects and sport activities such as cycling and swimming. We also offer cooking, music, photography, arts and craft in our learning centre. We are passionate about our environment, and local conservation, looking at habitats and horticulture. 

We provide an extensive variety of seasonal termly topics specific to young people's passions and our ethos.

Who We Work With

Yr3/KS2 Upwards

We work with young people from mainly mainstream settings from primary to secondary school age, Y3 and upwards. These young people can be very vulnerable and are struggling with associated mental health issues. 

Some of whom have come to us as a ‘step down’ from exclusion from school or are in fact living in specialist residential settings.

Complex Needs

Some young people invariably display social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, have complex health needs, have a history of insecure attachments and repeated placement obstacles to learning due to their challenging behaviour.

Our Mission

At The Kings Dam Project we believe that regardless of past difficulties and traumas every young person, given appropriate support, has the internal resources, however fragmented, to manage successful educational achievements. 

 They will also possibly have previously undiscovered gifts and talents or passions for what we do.

We formed the Kings Dam Project in January 2022 and have been overwhelmed with the positive feedback we have received to date. We wanted to offer support to those vulnerable young people who need that little bit more within education.

We are situated in Gillingham, just on the Norfolk and Suffolk border.

The project is located on protected Broads Authority land and is recognised as an area of outstanding natural beauty through Natural England.


The K-D Project has provided my foster boy opportunities to assess risk taking behaviours in a monitored safe environment, encouraged his passions, he has been able to form positive friendships with other neuro diverse peers; becoming more considerate of others and healthy attachments to positive male /female role models - he is always enthusiastic to attend and happy how his day has gone on his return.

D (Carer) to a 11yr old boy