The Referral Process

If you are interested in referring a young person to our provision, initial enquiries should be made through Emily on email:

 If an initial assessment indicates that we may be able to meet the needs of the individual and we have space to accommodate, then we would encourage a visit to the project, with the young person, parent/carer and referring party. 

 If all parties agree on the appropriateness of the placement then an agreement will be reached as to how to involve the young person in the process. The assessment and admissions process will in every case be tailored to meet individual needs.

Ensuring Their Needs Are Met

Both the needs of any new young person concerned, and the likely effects of their admission upon other young people who attend our project are fully considered and recorded when making decisions in respect of all admissions to our project. 

 This is to ensure ‘best fit’ matching for all young people and to ensure, as far as possible, no child presents a significant or disproportionate risk to the safety or developmental.

The Final Steps

Completion Of Referral Form

A referral form would be completed by the referring party, and any relevant documentation to support the YP would be requested to enable us to understand their needs. An SLA would be raised including the YP’s desired outcomes advised by the referring party.

SLA Document

This SLA must be signed and returned prior to the provision starting. Payment is then due within 30 days of signing the agreement.


We can’t recommend Kingsdam enough . Our son is eight years old with some additional needs and attended the project one day a week for a year. My goodness the change in him is amazing . He has grown in confidence, he manages anger really well, he is grown in confidence to the point he has just joined Cubs. The project offers what a school setting can’t. Real hands on , child led learning. I wish every child had access to the support my son has had . Simple amazing :). Thank you to all the staff, what you do for young people is outstanding :)

S (mum) of 8yr old boy