What We Do

Most, if not all, young people attending the Kings Dam Project will have experienced learning difficulties within a variety of settings. Within our project our vision is to deliver a personalised education package for each child. This is combined with our therapeutic natural environment.

All YP are on a 1:1 ratio with extremely experienced staff.

To learn more about the referral process, click here.

Subjects Covered At The Kings Dam Project

We offer personalised alternative education specific to a YP's interests. 

These can range from curriculum based learning in our learning centre, local history, conservation and the environment, swimming, music, DT, cooking, cycling, horticulture, photography, health and sports, arts and crafts. Really the list goes on and on and changes each term. Each term we also focus on calendar events and celebrations. 

 The activities generate and provide us with the therapeutic platform to focus on the young persons Personal, Emotional, Social development (PESD) and the desired outcomes set out by the referring party.

Our Onsite Spaces

On site we have a polytunnel, workshop and learning centre as well as outdoor therapeutic spaces. We do go offsite to specific locations within the local area to enhance the young people’s life skills, experience and learning. 

All external providers and venues are risk assessed prior to visiting. Parental/Carer consent is required. We offer provision on a termly basis; 0930-1430. Breakfast and lunch are included. 

Attendance is sent daily and at the end of each week, the referring party will receive a detailed weekly update and an end of term report/overview.

Risk Assessed Activities

All our activities are risk assessed and fully insured. 

We are happy to share a copy of a particular risk assessment should you so wish.

*All of our activities are risk assessed and we are fully insured.


My son absolutely loved coming to Kings Dam Project. He learned so much and really thrived from attending. All the staff are so kind and caring. They really make such a difference and bring great quality to the children’s experience. I’m so thankful to all the staff. They really helped my little boy. Any child able to go, is lucky to attend in my opinion. I’d send my boy back in a heartbeat! Thank you so much!

R (mum) of 8yr old boy